I started with irregular periods about 1 1/2 ago. I went to a new gyno and she ran hormone test and did a trans vaginal ultrasound. Everything came back ok. She put me on birth control, it didn't work so I stopped it. I have just noticed what I thought to be swollen lymph nodes in my groin and my periods are still irregular so I went to my internal medicine doctor. She had done blood work previously and told me to go see the gynecologist again, she said my blood work was fine. I went to my gyno and she said that my lymph nodes did not feel swollen to her. I am a 35 year old women, in good health. I am concerned about lymphoma, but my internal medicine doctor is not. I have a rash on my right ankle that comes and goes and is not really itchy, I have been to the dermatologist numerous times. What are your thoughts about lymphoma?