Hello, I was born with thin glomerular basement membrane (thin gbm). Diagnosed 20 yrs ago and on 25mg Benazepril (Lotensin) all along. Protein spill varies from 800mg to 2,000mg per 24 hrs despite very low protein, vegetarian and low sodium diet. Kidney function 48%, creatinine 1.23. For many yrs I have had a dry daytime cough and a wet nighttime cough (the wet cough generally happened during spring, coinciding with my seasonal allergies). The last 2 yrs, the night wet cougn has been year round and I am quite desperate for lack of sleep. All 3 relatively new drs because we moved to Kaiser (internist, allergist and nephrologist) all say its Benazepril at fault. My old nephs had told me to deal with it because Benazepril is the best for my kidneys. This new neph suggested trying Losartan, but in reading up before deciding, I find a lot of people saying their kidney function dropped and creatinine increased with Losartan. I am worried about it happening to me, having already had a 15% drop when old neph stopped my Diovan. Our air quality in N California has been bad these last 2 yrs. Thank you so much.