Hello. I was in a car accident 12/1 that totaled my car and both airbags deployed and I blacked out for about 10 seconds. I have been to my primary care physician and was told severe whiplash. Went to ER 12/11 had an X-Ray done. Also have been going through physical therapy. Thursday evening, I started having more severe pains in my upper back and lower neck. It is slowly moving to my arms. My migraines have been so intense over the past week that I haven't been able to get out of bed or even eat. It has even been so bad a few days to make me sick. My PT, that I saw yesterday, has been having me do exercises to try and help, but seems to make it worse. I did go see my PCP yesterday and he said that he would order an MRI. My symptoms are steadily getting worse. And today, when I woke up, when I am walking, my legs and arms start shaking. If I stand up straight, my legs almost fall out from underneath me. When sitting, my arms shake a little but not as bad as my legs when I stand up. Not sure when the MRI will be scheduled for as of now. Just wanted to ask to see if maybe I should go on to the ER and go ahead and see if they will do some testing? I don't want to do anything to make a possible injury any worse.