Hello, I'm Cara (22) and I'm sorry to trouble you but I would love some help. For the last 1-2 years, I have been constantly fatigued. I can sleep for 12h+ and still, I'll be super tired again after a couple hours being awake. I had to stop working (and I only worked 4h a day) because when I got home, I did't even have enough energy to read and I got really depressed and anxious. That's gotten better since I quit but I'm afraid it'll start up again if I start a new job.
Now, I wouldn't complain if I wasn't just so tired all the time and my head starts hurting and my eyes sting and it keeps me from being productive. I had a blood test done but there was nothing but a very slight iron deficiency for which I got supplements and slightly lower blood sugar.
I'd be grateful for any kind of help.