Hello. Im a 14 year old male, and yesterday i fell about 4 feet onto my back, and it knocked the breath out of me. I started coughing violently for the next two minutes. I thought everything was fine. I was up walking around and i had no pain in my back or side, but when i cleared my throat, i spit out some blood. I messed around for a bit, and i figured out that clearing my throat made blood come up with mucous, but blood didnt come out when i coughed. There wasnt much blood and it only lasted for about 10 minutes. Its a day later and the only thing i can notice is when i breathe in all the way, i get a very slight pain in the back of my throat. My question is, is there blood in my lungs or anywhere else dangerous. And if there is only a little bit of blood in my lungs, what should i do? Thank you