Hello, I'm currently taking Subutex & Clonazepam, however I still have very bad anxiety attacks on a regular basis. My last Doctor ,wrote me a prescription for Propanol it really does work ! Do you think I should ask my new Dr. about it ? Also I have a shunt in my ureta will it effect my kidney's in anyway ? Where I'm from Drs. can't write addicts what they think would best keep us clean, I was a IV drug user for 15 yrs the Subutex keeps me "Normal" , I think it's a amazing thing although I know it will be a life long medication because I used for so many yrs. Do you think Drs, should lobby for our rights to be treated as humans with a disease, congress makes it so hard to get Subutex, if I wanted to get high I would be seeking Methadone & certain death, plus the subutex helps my pain &^ it's so lovely not waking up dope sick We neev Drsm to fight for their rights to treat a patient. I get to see my new Dr Tues., for the 1st time. as I sit & type I feel a panic I can't explain been so nervous I have scratched little sores all over my head, I feel I keep my hands in my hair until I make my head bald. Can you tell me how to keep me sane while also being a productive citizen in the great U,S,A,, I just want to live, can you get your Dr friends ready to fight for recovery , instead of allowing them to use it as population control. 4 1/2 yrs clean & sober but, how long before congress takes my sobriety Can I strain myself bad & break my stint loose & would they have to chop me into again to get to it , sorry if that's my only option they cab just take it out & gibe it to someone who's life it may save. Thank you, S,F.W.A,B !!!