I`ve been experiencing excessive gas for the past few years. It started back in March of 2014 , I was at school and just came back from recess and I sat down then all of sudden I started farting like every few minutes . Since that day this been happening to me. I have no allergies ( that I`m aware of ) .
I`ve always been socially anxious in my life. The reason I mentioned this was because I only fart when I`m in public , when I`m alone I`m normal , so maybe that has something to do with that.
I also have noticed that for some reason when I fart I can`t smell it but the people around me can.
I did some research on the internet and found out that there are some people who have the exact same problem , such as this guy :
Is this IBS ? Or something else ?
If you have any information about this , please reply , because of this problem I can`t live a normal life.
Also I`m sorry if this was the wrong place to post this.
Thank you.