Hello. I've been running fevers for a few days now but feel much better. My throat is still very sore, hard to swallow, and my glands in neck are swollen as well. There's some nasal irritation so it leads me to believe I have just a simple virus, and at the very beginning of this all, I had some stomach problems for a few hours that resolved themselves quickly. I have little to no appetite. The swelling in my neck is such that I've never seen before, and a friend is a registered nurse, she suggested I might have mono. I am leaning toward it still being just a virus of a different type, something going around, because yesterday just as the fever broke and I started to feel better, I developed an itchy rash on my knee that lasted a few hours then disappeared. That sounds to me like a viral rash. But I checked my throat today like I have been and there's a large vain showing in it, running all the way down my throat as far as I can see. Is this always a sign of strep or could it still be a virus of some other type? I have had strep several times this year but never before in my life before that. My children are not showing signs of strep and we always get it together. Is it mono, strep, or nothing? I cannot see a doctor because I lack medical insurance and cannot afford it so any help is appreciated. At what point do I absolutely have to seek help?