Hello! I've had a tooth abscess for oh about 4 years now. I've been getting headaches a few times a week which I assume is from the abscess (it's been promoted to a fistula, yay!). I've been getting splinter hemorrhages every once in awhile, usually on my pinkie or thumb nail. A few days ago I was driving and got sort of dizzy. I got home okay, and when I got inside I was putting groceries away and got really dizzy and almost fell over. When a get a headache (from my teeth), sometimes it makes my spine hurt from the base of it to the back of my neck. I also seem to have a more irregular heart beat more and more. My vitamin D levels are good and I eat healthy stuff, no processed foods. I noticed that I got two splinter hemorrhages in my nails (my middle finger and ring finger) right after I had the abovementioned dizzy episode. I just got dizzy, with no head ache. I'm sure this is nothing. I don't have any health problems otherwise, except sometimes I get really tired and feel sick for no reason and I get night sweats sometimes. Oh, also I'm in my early 40's, not overweight, I'm not premenopausal, on no meds and am female. Thank you for any advice! I shall send good vibes your way. :D
Have a great day, night, or whatever it is now.