My friend is 31 yrs old and has been having severe digestive “attacks” where she becomes pale, diaphoretic, cold, with severe lower abdominal pain accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. She was diagnosed with a liver tumor over a year ago. She has had extensive tests done such as US, MRIs, and labs. She has even been seen at Johns Hopkins. All of the doctors tell her that her “attacks” have nothing to do with her liver tumor because the symptoms are in her lower abdomen. They don’t want to operate because of her age. She has tried to adjust her diet but the attacks do not correlate with meals or certain foods. She has missed work which has put her job in jeopardy. She can go for months without an attack and then have 2 -3 in a month. This month she has had at least 2 within a few weeks of each other.
She is not on birth control and has not been for years. Her hormone levels have been checked and are WNL. She is seen by a gastroenterologist and GYN. The GYN does not want her to get pregnant until the liver tumor is removed because of a possible pregnancy causing the tumor to grow or the tumor causing problems for the pregnancy. She wants to get pregnant.
Can you make any suggestions or can you direct us to someone who can actually help her?