My girlfriend and I had oral sex. After we finished I ejaculated and cleaned myself up. I touched the semen as I was cleaning myself up and then washed my hands afterwards. As I recall, my hands felt a little slippery but I didn't pay it too much attention. I presume to dry myself of near a fan. I then continue on to finger my girlfriend. So a week or two go by and my girlfriend begins to feel stomach pain, sure enough, her period started (as she said). That caused us to not feel so worried about a possible pregnancy, but she begins to feel early pregnancy symptoms. Two weeks after her period, I go and buy her a pregnacy test and it came out negative. She continues to feel tired, moody, and has a bloated stomach. So four weeks after her period, I go and get her another two test, which came out negative. Today she still feel worried, which causes me to worry also. She still has stomach pain and explains how she eats a lot. Is it possible that she is pregnant ? We are waiting for her period to come. I would appreciate some logical answers thank you.