My husband has been experiencing a stabbing pain in his middle abdomen for the past 3 years. He had his gallbladder and appendix removed 3-4 years ago. All of his pain started after he had his gallbladder removed. He was then 310lbs within 3 months after the surgery he had lost almost 100lbs. He is unable to keep food down and is in a constant pain, but occasionally he'll get bad enough pain where he has to go to the ER. They had thought it was pancreatitis but now are ruling that out. He is in so much pain, has seen many different doctors and has also traveled out of the state for other test but everything has came back normal. He is to the point where he is weak, depressed, and is still losing weight. We have not found a doctor who could help us, but I am not giving up on my husband. So I was hoping someone could help me with other ideas of what could be wrong? His symptoms: unintended weight loss, middle abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, weakness and tired.