Hello. My husband has had extreme fatigue over the past several months. He has a chronic cough and has developed a sore on his tongue that won't go away for at least 3 weeks now. he saw his dr (who I think is a crock) and he tested for epstein barr. He tested positive. He gave him something they use for thrush for his sore tongue, its not working. he basically said, there you have epstein barr that'll be $$. What can we do? He asked for a referral for an oral surgeon and the office says they are having a hard time getting it through his insurance. My dr told me that if it doesn't sound like a life or death situation, chances are they won't approve it. I'm scared because my mom died of cancer because she couldn't get approved for ct scan until it was way too late. Not that she wouldn't have died anyway, but you never know. What does he have in his mouth. thats what i'm afraid of, that and the cough which they are doing nothing.suzieiannuzzi