My name is Garrett. About three days ago, I had a bad urge to defectate. I went home from school and went to the bathroom again. I started off with a low fever and some aches and pain. Then the day after, I woke up with terrible cramps (the worst I've had) and went to the bathroom to empty myself. I had pain whilst urinating and pain when I was defecating. My stool was not watery and there was no blood. I ended up having around a 100-100.7 fever (quit low) at the time. After I had really bad chills. I fell asleep and woke up in a sweat, breaking the fever. I went to the doctor and he thought that I just had some type of virus that may have been common. Today, I felt a lot better. I didn't have a fever and I was hungry. I ate, but then about a 30 minutes after I had cramps again and then I passed gas. I went back to the bathroom and nothing came out, and the cramps went away. My main problem is that I hope I don't have IBD or IBS.