My name is Jennifer, and I am a 20-year-old female with some questions about possible pregnancy. My symptoms include the following: nipple redness, very high sensitivity, breast soreness, sometimes loss of appetite and slight nausea, and missed period. My period however, is not regular, and so it is very difficult to tell if these are PMC symptoms, or if they are pregnancy related. I would say my period is about 3-4 days late. I took a pregnancy test yesterday and 3 days ago, and both have come back negative. I usually do not have this high level of sensitivity or breast soreness, both of which have been going on in the past week. The breast soreness has gone down, but the nipple soreness persists. I am taking oral Norethidrone birth control, and have missed taking the pill 2x in the last 6-8 months.
Thank you in advance for your time!