My name is Phil. I have two questions about oral health. First, I recently became much more dedicated to keeping my teeth and gums clean. I am now brushing, flossing, and using fluoride rinse all twice a day (morning and night). I have noticed that my gums, though sensitive and bloody at first, became much tougher and less painful when brushing. This was true for all of my gums EXCEPT the portion above my upper teeth on the right side of my mouth: always in pain, and always bleeding, never seeing any toughening. I have been looking online nad have seen it may be gum disease, poor brushing techniques, etc. My question is, knowing my current state of mouth: how should I proceed in fixing the issue of painful-when-brushing gums? Also, I have also found most people say floss only once a day. Is it okay to floss twice? What are the dangers of flossing twice?
Thanks so much!