Hello. My period was due on October 15th, and I am still yet to get it - is it too early to take a HPT? So far I've had only slight menstrual-like cramping, slightly sore breasts (usually my breasts are way more sore around period time, as well as my cramps), and I've also noticed a slightly thick, milky white discharge the last day or two - no odor, and shows up clear on my pantiliners - also it seems to "gush" out off and on. Same with my cramping - usually I have pretty severe menstrual cramps before and during my period - the cramping I've been having has been mild and off/on; my breasts feel a bit heavier than they normally feel when I'm to have my period, and like I stated above, are only slightly sore this month. My cycle is typically 30 days and my last period was September 15th. My boyfriend and I only had unprotected sex once since my last period, and I'm not sure but I think it was towards the end of my ovulation time frame. Sometimes my periods are 1-2 days (max) early/late, but usually never THIS late. I've also been EXTREMELY STRESSED this past YEAR so I know that that can definitely delay my period too. I was pregnant a year ago (ended in a miscarriage around 6-7 weeks along); didn't think I could even get pregnant as I have PCOS and had never been able to conceive before this (but my periods have become very regular now). I was TWO weeks late at that time before I took a HPT - got an INSTANT BFP at that time! I also was just starting to have morning sickness too and decided to take a HPT just to put my mind at ease - I seriously thought I could not get pregnant (I'm also older - 36 years old now; was 35 years old when I was pregnant before) - and plus I had used a condom (I know that condoms aren't 100% fool-proof but with my PCOS, age, and never being able to get pregnant before, I didn't think I could, so when I got the BFP I was extremely and utterly shocked)!! Anyways, despite my PCOS, my OB/GYN has assured me that there should be absolutely NO problem AT ALL with me conceiving again - I had a large right ovarian cyst removed this last May - everything went well with the surgery and my doctor told me that all my "baby-making" parts were "perfect", etc., and if I wasn't pregnant in 6 months to come see her. My boyfriend and I have been TTC but not "OVERLY" either; we just have sex whenever and keep waiting to see what happens. I don't remember if I had had that milky white discharge with my last pregnancy because I wasn't looking to get pregnant then - but now I'm much more aware of possible pregnancy signs/symptoms since we do want a baby. I know that stress and even thinking about the excitement of being pregnant can delay my period - I've read so many online forums and everyone has something very different to say - I know that every woman is different and even every pregnancy is different - but basically my periods have been very regular for over a year now, and like I stated above, I've never been really this late...nor have I ever really noticed this on/off "gushing" milky white discharge. ???? I keep expecting that it's my period but so far when I go to check - NOTHING - just that discharge - I'm pretty positive that it's not an infection, as it is not yellow/green in color and it has no odor at all. I have not had any bit of spotting/light bleeding so far whatsoever either, and I don't have any burning/itching - I really haven't had any change in my peeing "routine" that I've noticed; I have been constipated but I'm 99% positive that it's from certain medications that I'm currently taking. So, after writing all that (sorry, lol), I'm just wondering when I should take a HPT and does it have to be one of the really expensive name-brand ones? I've read good and bad things about pretty much every HPT brand out there and basically everyone has had different experiences with all the brands (FYI - we're very tight on cash right now). Some say that the ones from the dollar store are fine, some say they're bad, etc...overall though I did notice that most people on these online forums recommend First Response (the manual one, not the digital one). When I tested last year, I was two weeks late and bought (I think it was) a Walgreens- brand digital HPT (since I've had times where it's been so difficult to see a second line or not on some of the manual tests) - of course right away it read, PREGNANT. Anyways...please help! I'm thinking I should probably wait a whole entire week to test if I haven't gotten my period by then?? Or would it be OK to test now (well, probably tomorrow with my first morning's urine)?? I hate this "waiting game", but I'm trying to relax and not think too much about it - ha! Easier said than done! I really want to be pregnant but I also don't want to test too early and get a BFN (only for my boyfriend and me to be very disappointed and lose hope)!! I do know, however, that if I really wanted to, I could test now and if I did get a BFN, it just might be too early for the test to detect any hcG hormone in my system, and that then I should wait a few days and test again if I still haven't gotten my period yet (I would probably do this but like I said, we're SO tight on cash at this time and we really can't afford to be buying a bunch of HPTs - so maybe it'd be better to wait a bit longer before spending any money on them, I don't know)???? Like if I do NOT get my period by Thursday, October 22nd at the LATEST, THEN go buy some HPTs?! Or could I really just test now with a test from the dollar store?? We can afford a few from there right now.
Thank you!
--Tami :-)