Hello! So I have two sores on my anus and have had them for three days, the first day was super painful on and off all day not necessarily when pooping either, the second day, yesterday I looked in the mirror because when I wiped that morning there was some blood. They were about and inch away from each other and the pain was more when using the restroom. When I have to go pee I can't really tell until it's urgent and if I don't make it in time it's involuntary. Also when I'm peeing I don't know it's coming but it entices a poop. Once today I had a involuntary vaginal discharge of a cream white thick substance that smells kind of weird. After this happened I went and looked in the mirror again and the sores are now pretty much touching and it appears to look like there is a slender tissue attaching my vagina area to the anus area. One is about a pen head size and the other is about 3x that both appearing red, swollen and irritated. They are directly over the butthole today almost closing it. I'm not sure if these correlate or not but Sunday my feet started going painfully numb and worked its way half way up my calf, at this time my pinky toe 'cramped' on top of the toe next to it on my left foot causing severe discomfort. Monday it seemed to have been getting better because my feet didn't start going numb until about 5 pm where as Sunday I was lucky to make it to 5pm working. My upper thigh areas mostly have been feeling sore and tender to the touch. Today the numbness was constant to the point where I'm almost used to it and now those tender spots stared working their way down my legs even into my feet. The slightest touch is so painful and by the end of the day it worked it's way up my sciatic area into my hips and love handles making them fall asleep at points mostly when bending even slightly and being tender. From the tops of my thighs working it's way up in the back area slightly above my sciatica all he way down to my toes, I feel like I have invisible bruises that with the gentlest touch can be excruciating pain and with an gently applied pressure feels almost like a sunburn, tight and irritating. Any help would be amazing thank you!