Hello, Two years ago I ate too much sugar, deserts at Thanksgiving, 48 hrs later I had several episodes during the day. An Episode just comes over me, I look and act like a stroke victim. Can't speak, seeing things, cold sweats, lasted less than a minute. Went to emergency room thoroughly check, brain mri etc. Nothing. Over the past two years I continue to have these although I rarely eat sugar in any form but if I do, 48 hrs later I will have an episode, though much milder, last only a few seconds, I suppose because of less sugar. After a day of episodes, maybe 10-15 during the day lasting just a few seconds, the next two days I will have chills all day long. Usually starting middle of my back going up to my neck. I also have ringing in my ears. The ringing started two years ago with the Thanksgiving episode and have never stopped. During and after episodes it is much louder if I avoid sugar all together, ringing is faint but there. After the two days I'm back to normal. I usually drink a lot of water in this period, seems to help. So am I allergic to sugars? I can usually trace back the beginning of the episodes to sugars I ate 48 hrs earlier. This is not a lot a lot of sugar, 1/2 can of pepsi, sugar in coffee, one small dish of ice cream. If I am allergic why would it be 48 hrs later?