Hello, about six months ago I rolled my ankle pretty bad playing basketball. It popped and swelled up pretty bad, I iced it and stay off of it for a couple weeks. After about three months and still wasn’t getting better so I went to an orthopedic doctor, he suggested I wear a brace almost 24/7 except when I shower and sleep but he didn’t tell me was going to make my ankle weak, and he never gave me any exercises for it. Now it has been 6 months and my ankle is still twice the size of my other, weak, pops at most movements, and hurts to rotate certain ways. The brace I was given doesn’t fit in my basketball shoes, and the athletic trainer at my school refused to tape my ankle before games and practice. I am always active, so I’m usually walking around at work or running at practice. I’ve tried to take it easy but I don’t know if something is still wrong or it just takes a long time to heal. It is incredibly painful to slightly roll it to the side. My dad wants to get an MRI, but if I don’t need it I don’t want to waste the money on one. Basketball season is coming up soon and everyone has told me different things. Thank you!