Hello doctor, i am 26 yrs old. Doing phd. Was very very irregular in taking food timely. Most of da time i spent empty stomach. Recently 15 days before i had acute pain in the side of the liver and general physician suggested LFT, USG, ECG, CHEST XRAY. usg report says enlarged liver, LFT says sgpt 41. He gave me sucal syrup and i took mucaine gel. He told me to consult gastroentrologist. After hearing my symptoms he gave me pankreoflat, sompraz l and ursetor. Now i'm having slight pain if meal is not taken widin 2-3 hours. He did endoscopy which says only antal gastritis. No ulcer seen, after that he is in holiday. I'm now ok, except the fullness of stomach prevails day long, and burning stomach apprears if each meal is delayed more than 3 hours. Flatulence is normal, antacids giving temporary releive from flatualence with added buring stool in the morning. I did h.pylorie breath analysis which came positive. These three medicines together causes gas and headache after lunch. So i stopped taking them after completing there courses. After that i'm ok, no gas, no headache. Only fullness and burning stomach is there if meal is delayed. I want to be cured absolutely. I want to get rid of these fullness and burning stomach. Endoscopy said no ulcer. What should i do? Is it h.pylorie?