Hello, doctor, my mother fell down a few years ago n started taking medicine regularly since then but she has not recovered from that pain.
she often complains that she has pain around hip and the most disheartening thing is that she cannot walk properly- if she walks as she did earlier, she gets a kind of jerk around her hip area. We have consulted many doctors -orthopaedist. She underwent scanning too. Surprisingly , all of them said "it's k , use this medicine , it will be alright". But our efforts dint bear any fruit. She has still that problem n takes medicine regularly. If no medicine , she can't walk.
Some doctors asked her to lose weight- of course, she is obese. She is around 45 years old. She tried to lose weight by going for a walk , but she couldn't.
She has not got any fracture in her leg, yet she has this inexplicable problem. Please , offer us a solution, we are indebted to you.
If needed , I ll bring n get her diagnosed in ur hospital.
I am desperately trying for a cure.