Hello, first off I'm 23, male, 6'2", 285lbs.
I'm suffering from cronic abdominal pain, nausea, cramps, and painful bowl movements.
It started roughly 8 or 9 months ago. Slowly at first and after about the initial month it peaked and has stayed consistent since. I'm nauseous 24/7. Every time I eat or drink anything, even water, I get 10x more nauseous. I can only eat maybe 3 or 4 bits of anything and it starts. My entire abdomen, from low sternum to just bellow my waist, hurts non stop. It's not always severe but it never ends. But when it does get bad it's of the charts, the pain itself is so bad sometimes I can't even think straight. I literally shut down from the pain. Cramps constantly, gets worse when I try to eat. Other symptoms include light headed, disorientation, loss of appetite, loss of sex drive, and sleeplessness. I feel so sick all the time I can't even force myself to get out of bed most of the time.