Hello, for the past two months I have had numerous "bite" like bumps breakouts. The bumps look and feel like a typical mosquito bite. Within a few days, the swelling and itching has stopped and what remains is a bruised like scar. The bites appear on my forearms, fingers, chest, back, calves, feet and ankles. I first developed these bites in late December. I live in New England and do not think these are really mosquitos bites! My husband has not been had any bites. We checked our mattress and bedding for the usual suspects, there are no signs. My primary physician was quick to diagnose the bites as spider bites. I have never seen a spider in my home, and understand that spiders bite when provoked. I spent some time away from my home and developed new bites while vacationing. I am frustrated and growing more concerned as these bites continue to occur. Thank you for any direction you can provide! Mary