Hello, i am 21 years old and i am a bit overweight but i have been very fit lately. I did a 3 months gym membership few months back then and i walk almost everyday. Just recently around May when uni exams were approaching i got a panic attack so bad that i called an ambulance. I thought it was a heart attack because at that state i was very relaxed on my bed watching a movie then trying to sleep, when suddenly my heart raced and i felt a wave as if i were about to faint. My chest was so tight and pressured I couldn't breathe and my lips got very dry and my left ear was ringing and pressured. My lower jaw was also hurting so bad as if i was being choked. I have never experienced something like this before. I took several blood tests, heart ultrasound, ECG and the heart monitor for 24 hours, twice, and yet found absolutely nothing wrong. But i am still a little suspicious because i have taken exams before and have been stressed, but i never felt it like this so sudden and intense. I believe it is also indirect because i didn't even feel i was stressed until the doctors linked it with it. I also have very bad sleep pattern that i am trying to fix, its very difficult for me to sleep normally since the incident even when i am exhausted, and whenever i try to sleep i get palpitations at night. & after the incident i even felt for a while dull pain in my left arm and left elbow which lasted quite some time and even sometimes everyday, but it has been a month now that it stopped. For a while now as i was away for summer vacation i was fine, i even started jogging at night for 25 minutes. Now that I have retured to uni for make up exams, i am starting to feel the chest pressure and the sudden occasional palpitations, even just now going up the stairs made my heart beat so fast that i stopped for a bit then continued, and I only live on the second floor! Like i said im physically very active but lately minor actions make my heart race.
What do you think? Is this only stress? And if so why now? This isn't the first time i stress. Doctors even gave me pills to relax but i don't want to take them I want to learn how to manage my symptons naturally.