Hello, im a 22 year old female who is sexually active and has been dating her boyfriend for a year. I have had only two partners (my first boyfriend I dated back in 2012 for 8 months, always used protection). This past week, I had an itchy vagina with some white discharge. I did not think anything of it. It started on Monday and then by friday my vagina became very tender. On saturday, I saw tiny little cuts on the inner lips of my vagina, I initially thought that it was from scratching my vagina and so I thought nothing of it. A few hours passed and I noticed 4 black dots on my clitoral hood. The clitoral hood also began swelling a lot. By then I got very worried. My boyfriend is clean and if I had come in contact with the herpes virus that he carries I would have shown signs earlier. Now I have a swollen clitoris, and those black dots turned into slightly bigger scabs. In the inner part of my lips theres flat white/red ulcers that are weeping a very light yellow fluid, I have also started bleeding from my vagina. I have a history of bacterial vaginosis back in seventh grade, bladder infection, UTI, and a possible yeast infection. I went to the hospital and the resident told me that its herpes, but for some reason I don't think it is. Im not in denial, but this all happened within a day and I did not have blisters so Im not sure whats going on. My clitoris has become so swollen that its painful.