Hello, my 20 year old daughter came home from college 3 days ago. She felt badly and didn't feel comfortable to drive. We went and picked her up. She stayed in bed the rest of that day and night complaining with back pain, neck stiffness, sensitive skin, bad sore throat and stopped up ears. Temp , was 102.4 yesterday and we went to the doctor and she tested negative for the Flu-type B. He said her throat didn't look like strept and sent us home with rest and fluids. He felt it was probably a virus or possible mono but it was too early to test her. Temp. last night was 103.Throat is much, much worse today and her temp, tonight is 102.6 with Tylenol. She definitely needs to have her throat swabbed tomorrow but is in a great deal of back pain and throat pain. Isn't this unusual? I gave her a lukewarm bath in an effort to bring down the temp. and she had to get out because of the back pain. She is constantly on a heating pad and is spitting now in a cup instead of swallowing but complains about significant back pain and neck stiffness. Are these symptoms unusual? The throat doesn't worry me but this back pain does. Any thoughts?? Thank you so much for your time.