Hello, my 6 year old son has complained with his stomach for the last several years, 3 at least, and we have had every test we can think of ran on him. Everything from bloodwork to stool sampling. Everything has come back normal. Today, he had an endoscopy performed and the doctor found 4 white spots, about the size of an ink pen head, in the lining of his stomach. The only other abnormality was some redness near the top of the stomach due to post nasal drip. The small intestines looked fine. When it's time to eat, my son will only take 4 -5 bites and then complains of his stomach either hurting or he is nauseous and will sometimes throw up. It's almost every morning that he will throw up, especially if he coughs a lot. There is no blood or suspicious coloring when he does. Otherwise, he is a normal 6 year old little boy. Any answers would be a great help.