Hello, my Name is Matthis
I need some help. My Issue is, that I don't know if my Girlfriend is pregnant and we are really stressed at the moment.
We had sex the 12 of October with a condom and she was supposed to get on her period yesterday but she still isn't by today. She texted me today and said, that her boobs got really sore and that that usually happens when she is on her period (but researched has shown that it could also be early singns of pregnancy). The only way I could imagine sperm to get into her is, when I changed the condom during sex, since most of the sperm was in the condom, I didn't clean my penis before putting the next one on. I thought, that maybe by rolling the second condom on my penis, I touched my penis with my fingers and transmitted some of them on the outside of the condom. The changing time took only 2 minutes.
I don't know how realistic it is for her gotten pregnant that way, but fact it, that she was suppised to get on her period yesterday and usually she gets cramps or little signs, that her period is about to start a coupple days earlier, she is 16 and her periods have never been irregular so far. She did a homemade pregnancy test with tooth paste today, which was negative (I know the accurance is not really high but still)
I am just really worried and can't wait for her period to start. But I need your advice and what do you as a doctor think about my issue? Am I beeing paranoid? Or should I actually worry about it?