Hello my name is Joshua and I'm a 39yo male with severe ADHD and I've had this since i was a child, however back then it was believed that once your an adult you no longer have ADHD, so I was taken off of my medication Aderal which if my memory serves me wright (it never does lol) I believe I was taking 20mg's 3x a day, after being taken off my meds I struggled for a few years and one day was told that this street drug would help just like Aderal (Meth) needless to say after making that stupid mistake and about 20years of my life gone to Methamphetamine's I'm now a man in long term recovery and happy for the most part, for the first time in a long time However no Dr. will prescribe me Aderal do to my being in recovery, which has lead me back to a great many relapses is there any Dr.'s out there that could possibly be willing to help me so I can be productive in my life.