Hello. recently I was playing soccer and had a collision with two other players. one collided with my upper thigh, and the other with my calf on two separate sides...I heard my knee crunch/pop on the impact, and my knee swelled up significantly. I was capable of walking, painfully. I could also bend my knee as well (though painfully). this occurred on Monday (4-5 days ago). Currently there is a little swelling and I have noticed a bruise on the inside of my knee about an inch away and below my kneecap, and continuing toward the backside of my calf/knee. Additionally. if I turn my leg (picture me turning my right leg so my heel points toward the right. My knee almost feels like it shifts.
A little past data. I tore my patellar femoral tendon 2 years ago with similar bruising (much more severe, but focused in the same place). This makes me think that I pulled or partially tore the same tendon in this instance.