Hello, since 20 days ago I started with itching and burning and 2 red little sports on the vaginal entrance, no discharge, 4 days ago I had sexal intercourse, then that red spots started to grow with white fungus *I guess* on the top of them, started with cottage white discharge and no bad smell. All inside vagina seams like dry and a white wall of material. Two days later another plain spot apear...no blister just the spot a day after it was a ulcer :( is painful and white with red borders. I went to my gino she said is maybe herpes but not sure, she did a biopsy but do you think could be a non sexually transmitted disease, cause I guess I had a non trated candidiasis and after the intense intercourse it got worse and gave me those 2 ulcers. I have no other symptoms or blisters...nothing....could a chronic non trated candidiasis cause ulcer with the intense sexual intercourse?