Hello, so this is really embarrassing for me as I do not like to discuss my bowel habits openly, but I am becoming very concerned. Okay, so on monday of this week I woke up and had generalized body aches, the worst I've ever had, I thought maybe I was coming down with the flu (even though its not flu season). started getting better but then on wednesday began having diarrhea, no belly pain, no abnormal gas, no nausea. I had been drinking fruit juice over the last few days because that was all i had the energy for, I am not use to ingesting so much sugar in one sitting so i figured the diarrhea was from that. But then Thursday and today I started noticing white seed like spots in my loose, but not diarrhea, stool. The topper is that my newly adopted was diagnosed with coccida about 3 weeks ago, I had not noticed any other worms or parasites in her stool, but now I am super freaked out that I may have a parasite. Also, I am new to the area that i live in and have not established care with a pmd, the earliest appt i could get with him is in 2 months. thank you for any help you can offer....