Hey, I'm not exactly sure if I have epilepsy or not but I'm been getting this weird moments these past 2 days and it's annoying because they happen like 5-6 times an hour. It's like I get this irritation from my body (mainly left) like it starts to feel funny and I feel like I lose control for about 5-15 seconds sometimes more and sometimes less. If I'm standing I have to bend forward (lean on something/ push myself face forward against the wall) and ball my fists and close my eyes until the feeling goes away and If I'm sitting my jaw goes all weird and starts irritating me and I sometimes feel some vibration type of feeling, yesterday I was watching a documentary on Netflix and my body went funny like I couldn't sit still at all, my fingers kept on annoying me and my arms,legs, fingers, jaw etc and that annoyed me a lot it's like I was getting anxious again and again and if I'm doing something it comes in the way. It makes me dizzy sometimes.I'm 14 btw, can yu help me figure it out please it's annoying me. Hope to hear soon