Hey! So I have been having this weird symptoms for months now, and the doctors are investigating but can't seem to find anything.
In march I was having this constant abdominal pain and what it seem to be urinary infection (the symptoms were the usual, burning while peeing and the necessity to go to the toilet frequently). I went to the doctor and for three different times over a month they couldn't find any signs of infection but any way prescribed me with antibiotics (3 antibiotics), they did blood test for possible sexual disease, all clear, so they did a cytology, everything seemed fine. They still decided to prescribed me with an antibiotic for possible vaginal infection and a vaginal ultrasound. All good. The symptoms kept going, the pain almost disappeared, but could barely eat anything without feeling bloated, nausea, constant yellow diarrhea and in certain occasions a lot of pain.
I then thought it could be my liver or goal bladder. Spoke with my GP and she order an ultrasound. Everything once again was fine. Liver, goal bladder, kidneys, all fine.
July, I was home and two hours after dinner I felt dizzy and a strong abdominal pain, when to the toilet, projectile vomiting, diarrhea, high temperature, heavy sweating. The next day, strong abdominal cramps and rectal bleeding without any stools, the entire day. Went to the hospital, they said it could be something I hate. They did a blood test for possible intestinal infection, negative. Although my white cells were high and they couldn't understand why. They thought it could be Crohns, so they sent me for a colonoscopy. At this stage the bleeding had stopped, but I was having abdominal crapping everyday and constant diarrhea. The results of the colonoscopy are clean, no signs of infection, no cancer, no polyps...nothing. They said the bleeding my come from hemorrhoids found in my bowels. They are going to do an MRI to my small intestine. I still have constant yellow diarrhea. Have no idea what is wrong with me.