As of Jan 9th, I have been diagnosed with gastric adenocarcinoma, stage 4. On the 9th of Jan., 3.6 liters of fluid was drained from the belly, around the stomach area(?). So, with this condition, the belly will likely fill up with fluid again, is that right? If so, I get very uncomfortable and perhaps will need to have it drained again, is that right? My first appointment with a GI/oncologist is January 24 at which time we have a consultation. And we go from there...the mass is large at the entrance into the stomach, surgery may not be the first course we have been told.
I have CLL and was on a clinical trial drug for almost a year an a half (Venetoclax (ABT-199). I believe one of the side effects of that drug was the possibility of another cancer...I was damned if I took the drug and damned if I didn't, I did stop the drug mid October 2016. My blood work is almost book perfect at this time, hemoglobin is a bit low but seems to always have been low, aroun 90-100. I am 78 years old and also have an enlarged prostate. Basically if you answer the one question re: removal of the fluid again and again, how often can this be done, and why is there a buildup of fluid?