Hi! Can you help me understand my surgical pathology report... It says, "Endocervical scrapings" disclose strips of benign-appearing endocervical epithelium admixed with neutrophils and red blood cells ensmeshed in mucin and fibrinous material.
"Enometrial scrapings" disclose few fragments of benign-appearing polypoid endometrial tissue showing variable-sized, irregularly-distributed, round, to tortous, to undulant glands lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium to simple cuboidal to low columnar epithelium, set in a pseudodecidualized stroma. Also seen are strips of endocervical epithelium and few fragment endocervical mucosa showing mild to moderated lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates. These are all admixed with mucin and red blood cells enmeshed in fibrin.
Thank you...