Hi Doc, I walk up 1 day prior to Christmas with very painful rash, large patches of red, on the my left behind. First rash in my life and I have not been with anyone for quite some time and I am very clean and hygiene, I used Cortisone did nothing. 7 days later, New Year's Eve afternoon, after the pain became unbearable and MY FRONT BELOW opposite to where the rash is on behind, the muscles became painful and skin very sensitive causing me pain when I walk. I went to emergency room they diagnosed it as SHINGLES. The intern and his supervisor gave me Gabapentin 300 mg 1 tablet at bed time, Acyclovir 800 mg 5 times a day, very expensive cream $220 Mupirocin 2% 30 g to apply 3 times a day but the amount is inadequate for 3 times so I am using it for the last 5 days 2 times but it have not reduced the pain, same as the $6 Cortisone cream, by the end of today the Mupicrocin cream tube will be empty. I was also given prescription for Capzasin 0.025% but the pharmacist did not have it in stock but Capzasin 01% was available over the counter so I bought it, after 3 use I discontinued, it gave me painful burn 10 times more painful than the rash. My health is excellent no major problem throughout my life except 3 years ago from stress for 7 years due to family problems I had very high blood pressure, I saw a very good specialist who put me on 20 mg / 12.5 mg Lisinopril / Hydrochlorothiazide it lowered by pressure to normal or so and he told me I have to take it all my life !!! I want to know if it is possible to take kind of peneciline to cure this rash which the batches turned from red to burgundy color and it is still painful as when it started 12 days ago. I bought a sweat belt which I always buy for so many years, I wonder maybe someone bought it and returned who have shingles and I got it from it since I always wear it over my t-shirt on my chest at home, but that night prior to Christmas I wore it below where I got the rash left behind and the muscle pain front below left (it was very tight and I slept in it ... got the same muscle pain 4 years ago when I did the same mistake to flatten my belly that I got 3 years ago from stress) so I believe the sweat belt friction on the skin all through the night on the below behind left side ( the only place the sweat belt was tighten right on the skin no clothings caused the problem. The 2 Docs said it is caused probably because when I was a child I had chicken box. I know since I am 6 I did not have it, I just turned 65 years old but I am very active I used to exercise for over 20 years 8 hours a day, 4 hrs jogging, 2 hours fast cycling, 2 hours advanced aerobics, prior to the start of my family problems 12 years ago since I rarely exercised but I walk about 1 hour day when I do my shopping and I jog off and on for an hour. Thank you.