Hi Doctor
I am a 59 year old white female in good health, wight 143, height 5'1". I am currently Scheduled for back surgery this will be #5, I have spinal fusion entire Lumbar except L4 and L5. I was also just recently screened for Scoliosis with positive results. The Neurosurgeon will be using some new instrumentation to realign the fusion and possible fusion of unstable L-4, L-5 discs. My pain is uncomfortable but it's the compromise of my mobility that has me worried, everyday I become less mobile especially my lower extremities. I am experiencing pain in every bone in my body even my ribs tender to touch and to draw in my core causes great pain and makes me lose my breath. Walking ( my fave activity) is now painful, both feet, every toe. Even my facial bones, shoulder blades, base of skull hurts to the touch? Is this all connected to what's going on in my back?