Hi Doctor, My name is Toby. Toby has a family cancer history from a rare gene called Muri Torri. I had cancer in the Secum at age 14, nine polps the size of a red delicious apples were removed. Since, I had a yearly colonoscopy. At age 48, I had removed my large colon, minus the rectum. In the last two years, Toby had gone through radiation treatment for prostate cancer in the L1 vertebrate and prostate cancer. Presently, I had been treated with Lupron and Zometa. Now I am on Lupron for another five months of treatment. Toby is experiencing maginal anemia, leukoanemia, excessive tireness, and other side effects on Lupron. I am receiving special vitamins and B-12 injections from the Men's Wellness Center in Miami, Florida. I don't know how I am going to finish my rest of my five months treatment with Lupron. I take two tablets of Centrum multivitamins and multiple B-12 tablets and iron pills in the morning and at night. Still I am very tired and fatigue. What can you recommend me to do to increase my energy level to about normal? I am very exhausted and fatigue. I don't know what to do. My Primary Care physician today told me that my Bicarbonate level are low, borderline anemia and white blood cells are low all due to the Lupron. This month had been the worse month from all the months in the past 2 years and I need to have five more rounds of Lupron. I don't know how I am going to make it to the end. I feel more like dying slowly from Lupron than from cancer itself. I am so tired and exhausted that Toby can not do anything meaningful, activities, etc. The only thing I want to do is sleep and sleep so more. I sleep about 14 hours a day and after waking up, a little while later, I need to go back to sleep so more about two more hours and them more tiredness and more sleep is needed. Please give me an answer to my many questions. If you need to contact me, my telephone number is:305-944-7211 Thank you for your time. Toby