Hi Doctor ... for years I have had occasional swelling under my right upper scapula. There is a large lump under the scapula and the associated pain radiates upwards to the base of my skull. Most times, a severe headache accompanies the lump and it can last for 3-5 days. I feel like the lump is related to weather, seasonal allergies and/or stress ... the only relief comes when the area is strongly pressed/kneaded for 30 minutes or more. I've tried ice, heat and muscle stretches but nothing helps other than massage for an extended period of time. Even with the massage, the relief is not immediate. It usually takes a day or so for the swelling to subside and the pain to go away.
I'm interested in knowing what causes this swelling/pain. Are there lymph nodes in this area or could it be muscular? What can I do to prevent the onset of the lump/pain? Once the swelling/lump starts, it seems there is no way to stop its progression ... I cannot stop it from spreading to the base of my skull and for a headache to ensue.
I've visited a massage therapist when the pain is excruciating and it subsides after she works the area for almost an hour. Would a chiropractor help? OTC pain meds don't help, nor do prescription muscle relaxers.
I visit my physician regularly and her suggestion is to continue with "working" the area. I have several health issues ... not sure if they play a part in all this. Please share your thoughts with me. Thanks.