Hi Dr. Rynne,
I worked at Medical College in research. I was in the e.r. twice and they would not call a oncologist to diagnose tongue cancer. But it hurts like hell, they are worried about Lidocaine toxicity. They suggested a dentist I prefer an oncologist diagnosis i.e state insurance.
Here is the catch I have a very poor quality of life I will not write my list of ailments, but I am very myopic, my father ruptured both ear drums I can't see or hear, allergies, numerous turbinectomies septoplasties sinoplasties. 26 ECT sessions. Currently i am not suicidal however I had researched with my mother death with dignity in Washington. my conditions were chronic not terminal. See I am not actively suicidal but after mom passed w cancer less than a year ago and my brother died I am hoping for terminal cancer with pallitive care. My advance directive indicates no radiation, surgery or chemotherapy or cancer meds. I am disabled and my quality of life is not good, I was hoping for breast cancer or lung cancer stage IV. I am a non compliant patient because I cannot maintain all the specialits and appointments and back surgeries. So I want to naturally die. I feel this is my autonomy. Will a doctor simply treat tongue cancer for the pain and let me die naturally? jess