Hi Dr,I'm HIV for some time and the last time I checked my CD4 count was 896 and the viral load was undetectable. All along my health was ok up until early this year when I started having hyper pigmentation on my face around my chicks,then I went to my Dr who said it couldn't be the HIV meds after effect (the Medes that I'm taking is the Trivenz which is the generic of A tripla).
As my skin was getting more darker it started affecting my hands and feet as they were also getting darker,I'm also anaemic but I was on iron supplements as they thought it could be the result of low iron.
Lately I started having gastric problems because I was committing everyday whether I ate or not,they did the chest exray which came back clean,then they did the sonar of the of the Abdomen they picked up some mass on my liver and something showing on the left kidney that was removed in 2012 due to cancer,I was then advised to go back to the Dr that removed my kidney. I was then referred to the Oncologist as they thought it was cancer coming back. I was then sent for the PET-CT scan which reported that there were multiple FDG lesions demonstrated ,within segment 2 of the left lobe of liver,there are multiple lesions,the largest 25x18mmin diameter,it also demonstrated avid peritoneal deposits and propable liver deposits ,there was also reported deposit inferior to the right lobe of the liver. The patient was noted to have an elevated CA-125. I was then sent for needle biopsy in which the results were inconclusive. I also went for laparoscopy and the results were peritoneal tissue showing extensive involvement by non necrotising granule atoms inflammation,although no necrosis is present the features would favour turberculosis.special stains have failed to reveal any acid fast bacilli. This does not exclude tuberculosis as the bacilli may be difficult to demonstrate. There is no evidence of malignancy. On the comments it further recommended that if clinically feasible,specimens be submitted for culture and PCRanlysis in an effort to confirm the presence of tuberculosis.
Right now I don't know what to do as I'm losing faith in this whole procedure,is it that difficult to find out what exactly is wrong with me I keep on vomitting everyday nothing seem to stay I'm my tummy and my chest is hurting