Hi, I am 16 years old and female. I get several symptoms and get some of them very often. I am unsure if any of them are related, what they mean, or if theres anything i can do. I get a dizzyness very often. Its not like a fainting dizzyness but more like the ground is moving underneath me, or my legs arent catching me, liek im just going to fall. I feel nauseous very often. I get headaches very often. I sometimes get stabbing pains in the top of my head. Often my headaches are at the front of my head and behind my eyes. I also get a pain behind my ears that goes down to about mid neck. My ears feel full. Like clogged up. I occassionally when i lie down get a rattling under my rib cage when i breath . I also have a lot of trouble sleeping. I dont know if i do sleep, but i often feel like i havent slept at all. I recently had a blood test and nothing showed. Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated.