Hi, I am 5-6 weeks pregnant and for the past week I have been getting pinky/peachy colour on the toilet paper when I wipe. Does not look like fresh red blood, and generally it is watery peach but sometimes it is more like pink mucus. It doesn't really come out of me on to the liner (just a tiny bit one day). I don't have any cramps right now but have been getting very dull ones on and off randomly. A week ago, just after finding out that I'm pregnant, I had weird quite sore pulling/cramping for 2 days but have had nothing like that since. Just really bad leg aches. I had an early scan yesterday and I measured at 5 wks (though I thought I was a couple days after that) and we could see a sac and tiny dot (too early for heartbeat etc?). I think doc said cervix looks closed as it should be. Should I be worried about the pink/peach discharge situation?
Thanks, Sarah