Hi I am 52 years old, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's in my 30's, I have had a TBI Rt frontal lobe I have been on Adderall XR since then I am up to 50mg a day, I have had insomnia and was put on Ativan which scares me, low lobido, I was unable to conceive ended up with a hysterectomy at age 28 (total) due to endometriosis, I have had migrane's for years, I have had anxiety depression weight gains weight loss for years. I now have tachycardia, tremors, I sweat overheat and become very red in the face with any exertion. Three years ago I became very ill with a pneumonia like condition (it did not show pneumonia on the chest x-ray) It took me almost a year to get back on my feet, within three months after I became ill I started loosing my hearing, my hearing loss has gotten progressively worse I have had hearing aids for two years. I had horrible skin lesions and scalp itching and lesions with hair loss. I have had leukopenia for about 7 years now. Chronic sinusitis for 20 years. I was finally sent to Mayo and was diagnosed with T-Cell Large Granular Lymphocytic Leukemia, the chronic type thank goodness, they put me on steroids for 2 months however they had to put me back on them for about 4 more months I had increased horrific pain and polyuria, I was tapered to 2.5mg where as Mayo only tapered me to 20mg. Long story long my hearing is continuing to decline my tinnitus has increased which has increased my anxiety. I was told I probably have AutoImmune hearing loss and they are sending me to another hearing specialist my provider is afraid I might be loosing all of my hearing. The point is I believe it stems from my Hashimoto's I had been hyperthyroid for quite sometime this past summer, my levels never stay stable my vision is worsening and I am so tired and weak, I have terrible muscle atrophy was treated for about a year with cytomel and Armour thyroid nothing improved with those medications, I am back on Levothyroxine. I am still on a low dose of Ogen. I really do not know where my health is going. I am a nurse I fear loosing my job as a nurse if my hearing continues to decline.