I am 52,man.have diabetes type 2,use insuline.Also had high blood lipids.
A month before i passed a preinfarct.
Ater that i did a coronarography and the results were that i had three places that were damage at 75%,80% and 95%(atherosclerosis). The 80% and the 95% were close each other.
The doctors put one stent in the one was 80%.They also tried to put another one to the one was 95% but they after 6h they couldnt.
They said that the arteries were like helix,to hard to open and during that i pass another preinfarct.
Now am in diet,had loose a lot of weight during this month.I became anemic after the surgery.
I feel powerless and tired.Still i dunno which should be the write diet...
THANK YOU,in advance!