Hi I am 66 years old, am not sexually active, and have just had a physical exam a few weeks ago. I have been diagnosed with hypothroidism, but otherwise blood and urine samples were not issues. No problem with Pap smear. At the time of the phsyical I had been experiencing a bit of a discomfort in the vaginal/uretha area but it was just a bit of an annoyance. Now the area is itchy and annoying. There was a burning sensation when I used soap for cleansing, a soap that I have used in the past. I have no discharge. A long warm bath with Epsom salts and eucalyptus essential oil bath and body wash added, soothed the area for about 12 hours. It has been worse this last week with the only difference in routine is that I had a vaccination (avaxim 80au) a week ago. Thanks for your help!