Hi, I am a 50 year old male that has always been in good shape. I am 6ft. & weigh about 194lbs. My resting HR is usually btwn. 65-70, but for the last 5 days it has been 95-135 with tightness in the middle of my chest @ times. Also @ times I feel short of breath. I just went to the ER yesterday, I left work about an hr. early to go. They did some blood work, an EKG, and gave me some baby asprin. After about 2 1/2 hrs. they released me saying everything looks normal, good. This morning I checked my pulse again, and it was about 135 @ rest? Not sure what is wrong, but something is not right. I was on muscle relaxers, and some other addicting pain medication (can't remember the name) for about 1 week due to a recent herniated disc injury @ work. I went back to the doctor a few days later saying the pain was still about the same & she put me on a steroid, I was supposed to take 3 pills a day for the next week. After taking a one day supply I developed a very bad headache so stopped the steroid. A nurse told me this all could be due to that? I was told before leaving the ER yesterday, that if this continues or gets worse, I should go back to the ER & they will admit me for further testing. Any ideas what could be going on with me? Thanks for your time, Ron