Hi. I am a 56 year old female and have been suffering from high blood pressure for a number of years now. I am on medication for this. I also suffer from chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, IBS, am intolerant of many foods. I have multi chemical and drug sensitivity disorder, a heart murmur and seem to be developing some errythmia problems.
I do find that I need to eat at certain times each day or I get shaky and trembly and sometimes develop a headache. My main question is that in the last 12 months I've been experiencing an uncontrolable shaking and trembling of my entire body episodes, i become very weak, extreme fatigue and insufficient oxygen and my blood pressure spikes extremely high like over 230/110 or more, at the time of these episodes. The episode may only last an hour or so then I'm left extremely fatigued and weak and then need to sleep it off. I sometimes need something to eat and have a cuppa then I sleep to recover. I have told my GP but he just takes notes and nothing is investigated and I am left to struggle with this whenever it decides to happen again. There is no warning or for signs, it just happens. I had an episode last night and was up till 3am, checkinb my blood pressure etc till it passed. Do you have any insight as to what this could be whether serious or not. Should I get a second opinion etc.